The Ruins

In the Dark

In order to complete this level successfully, you'll need some sort of Power Source to illumnate the place, which can be found somewhere in Storage.

The correct sequence of moves is: UULDLUUURRUULLUURRU (U=Up; L=Left; D=Down; R=Right)

The Ruins

  1. Pull D left.

  2. Pull E down.

  3. Pull F left.

  4. Pull E left.

  5. Pull F down.

  6. Pull E left.

  7. Pull A down twice.

  8. Pull I left.

  9. Pull I down.

  10. Pull K down.

  11. Pull G down.

  12. Pull C right.

  13. Go to the exit.

  1. Pull K up twice.

  2. Pull G left.

  3. Pull J right.

  4. Pull D down three spaces.

  5. Pull E left as far as possible.

  6. Pull A down twice.

  7. Pull E up.

  8. Pull B left.

  9. Pull A up twice.

  10. Pull F left as far as possible.

  11. Pull C down as far as possible.

  12. Go to the exit.

Ghost Tale

Puzzle 1 Solution

Now, do the following steps:

1. Push L up.
2. Pull O left twice.
3. Push M up.
4. Push N right twice.
5. Pull K down twice.
6. Push P left twice.
7. Pull K left.

8. Push J up twice.
9. Push G right.
10. Push E up twice.
11. Pull I up twice.
12. Pull D right.

13. Push C right.
14. Push B left twice.
15. Pull A up.
16. Push B right all the way.

17. Pull F up.
18. Pull J left all the way.
19. Go to the goal.

Puzzle 2 Solution

1. Push L left and up.
2. Pull N left.
3. Push M up twice.
4. Pull H down.

5. Pull C left.
6. Push I down.
7. Pull J left (twice).
8. Push D down.
9. Pull C up.
10. Pull C right.

11. Pull E left all the way.
12. Pull E up.
13. Push K up.
14. Push K left all the way.
15. Pull A down twice.
16. Push B up.
17. Pull F left.
18. Go to the goal.

Death and Destruction

There is no guide for this section.

The Tale of the Reclaimer

There is no guide for this section.