Lower Vault

Another Vault

In order to continue in this section, you'll need a Crypto Cracker, which is hidden somewhere else in the game.

High Vaultage

Exploit symmetry. If the final solution is left-right symmetric, then the clicks you must do is probably symmteric as well.

You can always "undo" a click by clicking several more times in the same spot.

Try solving each section of the image separately.

Vault Finder

Every item has some attributes. In "From the Heart," there are two attributes: color and shape. In "To Your Head," they add the attribute of rings (of concentric circles in the center of the shape). In "Hand in Hand", they add a fourth attribute where the hole can be vertically squashed, horizontally squashed, or not squashed at all.

A legal triple has the property that if you pick any attribute, then all three items in the triple are either all the same with regards to that attribute, or all different with regards to that attribute.

Puzzle 1

Puzzle 2

The Tale of the Librarian

There is no guide for this section.