
The Storage Heap

Every step you take, your previous node is removed. You have to remove all nodes, which means you have to find a path that visits each node once and exactly once.

Keep on Your Toes

In addition to your previous step getting removed, all the notes in the lowest row are removed. In other words, since there are 8 rows, you must win in exactly 8 steps, and you cannot be on the n'th row after the n'th step.

Keep an Ear Out

You'll need Port Key B to access this part of the level, which is somewhere in the Net.

In addition to your previous step getting removed, all the notes in the lowest row are removed. In other words, since there are 8 rows, you must win in exactly 8 steps, and you cannot be on the n'th row after the n'th step.

Keep on her Good Side

The "pretty thing" to placate Rosshi is in the Vaults.

The Tale of the Provider

There is no guide for this section.